Source code for TradingBot

import logging
import json
from pathlib import Path
import pytz
import time
import datetime as dt
import os
import sys
import inspect
from random import shuffle
import traceback

currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
sys.path.insert(0, parentdir)

from Utils import Utils, TradeDirection, MarketSource
from Interfaces.IGInterface import IGInterface
from Interfaces.AVInterface import AVInterface
from Strategies.StrategyFactory import StrategyFactory
from Interfaces.Broker import Broker

[docs]class TradingBot: """ Class that initialise and hold references of main components like the broker interface, the strategy or the epic_ids list """ def __init__(self): # Set timezone set(pytz.all_timezones_set) # Load configuration home_path = os.path.expanduser('~') config_filepath='{}/.TradingBot/config/config.json'.format(home_path) config = self.load_json_file(config_filepath) self.read_configuration(config) # Read credentials file credentials = self.load_json_file(self.credentials_filepath) # Setup the global logger self.setup_logging() # Positions container self.positions = None # Init trade services and create the broker interface = self.init_trading_services(config, credentials) # Create strategy from the factory class self.strategy = StrategyFactory(config, self.active_strategy)
[docs] def load_json_file(self, filepath): """ Load a JSON formatted file from the given filepath - **filepath** The filepath including filename and extension - Return a dictionary of the loaded json """ try: with open(filepath, 'r') as file: return json.load(file) except IOError: logging.error("File not found ({})".format(filepath)) exit()
[docs] def read_configuration(self, config): """ Read the configuration from the config json """ home = os.path.expanduser('~') self.epic_ids_filepath = config['general']['epic_ids_filepath'].replace('{home}', home) self.credentials_filepath = config['general']['credentials_filepath'].replace('{home}', home) self.debug_log = config['general']['debug_log'] self.enable_log = config['general']['enable_log'] self.log_file = config['general']['log_file'].replace('{home}', home) self.time_zone = config['general']['time_zone'] self.max_account_usable = config['general']['max_account_usable'] self.market_source = MarketSource(config['general']['market_source']['value']) self.watchlist_name = config['general']['watchlist_name'] self.active_strategy = config['general']['active_strategy']
[docs] def setup_logging(self): """ Setup the global logging settings """ # Define the global logging settings debugLevel = logging.DEBUG if self.debug_log else logging.INFO # If enabled define log file filename with current timestamp if self.enable_log: log_filename = self.log_file time_str = time_suffix = time_str.replace(':', '_').replace('.', '_') log_filename = log_filename.replace('{timestamp}', time_suffix) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(log_filename), exist_ok=True) logging.basicConfig(filename=log_filename, level=debugLevel, format="[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s") else: logging.basicConfig(level=debugLevel, format="[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
[docs] def init_trading_services(self, config, credentials): """ Create instances of the trading services required, such as web interface for trading and fetch market data. - **config** The configuration json - **credentials** The credentials json - return: An instance of Broker class initialised """ services = { "ig_index": IGInterface(config, credentials), "alpha_vantage": AVInterface(credentials['av_api_key'], config) } return Broker(config, services)
[docs] def load_epic_ids_from_local_file(self, filepath): """ Read a file from filesystem containing a list of epic ids. The filepath is defined in config.json file Returns a 'list' of strings where each string is a market epic """ # define empty list epic_ids = [] try: # open file and read the content in a list with open(filepath, 'r') as filehandle: filecontents = filehandle.readlines() for line in filecontents: # remove linebreak which is the last character of the string current_epic_id = line[:-1] epic_ids.append(current_epic_id) except IOError: # Create the file empty logging.error('{} does not exist!'.format(filepath)) if len(epic_ids) < 1: logging.error("Epic list is empty!") return epic_ids
[docs] def start(self, argv): """ Starts the TradingBot """ while True: if Utils.is_market_open(self.time_zone): # Process open positions self.positions = self.process_open_positions(self.positions) if self.market_source == MarketSource.LIST: self.process_epic_list( self.load_epic_ids_from_local_file( self.epic_ids_filepath)) elif self.market_source == MarketSource.WATCHLIST: self.process_watchlist(self.watchlist_name) elif self.market_source == MarketSource.API: # Calling with empty strings starts market navigation from highest level self.process_market_exploration('180500') # Wait for next spin loop as configured in the strategy seconds = self.strategy.get_seconds_to_next_spin()"Wait for {0:.2f} seconds before next spin".format(seconds)) time.sleep(seconds) else: self.wait_for_next_market_opening()
[docs] def process_watchlist(self, watchlist_name): """ Process the markets included in the given IG watchlist - **watchlist_name**: IG watchlist name """ markets = if markets is None: logging.error("Watchlist {} not found!".format(watchlist_name)) return for m in markets: if not self.process_market(m['epic']): return
[docs] def process_market_exploration(self, node_id): """ Navigate the markets using IG API to fetch markets id dinamically - **node_id**: The node id to navigate markets in """ node = if 'nodes' in node and isinstance(node['nodes'], list): for node in node['nodes']: self.process_market_exploration(node['id']) if 'markets' in node and isinstance(node['markets'], list): for market in node['markets']: if any(["DFB" in str(market['epic']), "TODAY" in str(market['epic']), "DAILY" in str(market['epic'])]): if not self.process_market(market['epic']): return
[docs] def process_epic_list(self, epic_list): """ Process the given list of epic ids, one by one to find new trades - **epic_list**: list of epic ids as strings """ shuffle(epic_list)"Processing epic list of length: {}".format(len(epic_list))) for epic in epic_list: if not self.process_market(epic): return
[docs] def process_market(self, epic): """ Process the givem epic using the defined strategy - **epic**: string representing a market epic id - Returns **False** if market is closed or if account reach maximum margin, otherwise **True** """ percent_used = if percent_used is None: logging.warning("Stop trading because can't fetch percentage of account used") return False if percent_used >= self.max_account_usable: logging.warning("Stop trading because {}% of account is used".format(str(percent_used))) return False if not Utils.is_market_open(self.time_zone): logging.warn("Market is closed: stop processing") return False self.process_trade(epic) return True
[docs] def close_open_positions(self): """ Closes all the open positions in the account """"Closing all the open positions...") if"All the posisions have been closed.") else: logging.error("Impossible to close all open positions, retry.")
[docs] def wait_for_next_market_opening(self): """ Sleep until the next market opening. Takes into account weekends and bank holidays in UK """ seconds = Utils.get_seconds_to_market_opening("Market is closed! Wait for {0:.2f} hours...".format(seconds / 3600)) time.sleep(seconds)
[docs] def process_trade(self, epic): """ Process a trade checking if it is a "close position" trade or a new action """"Processing {}".format(epic)) # Use strategy to analyse market try: trade, limit, stop = self.strategy.find_trade_signal(epic) except Exception as e: logging.error('Exception: {}'.format(e)) logging.debug(e) logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logging.debug(sys.exc_info()[0]) trade = TradeDirection.NONE if trade is not TradeDirection.NONE: if self.positions is not None: for item in self.positions['positions']: # If a same direction trade already exist, don't trade if item['market']['epic'] == epic and == item['position']['direction']: "There is already an open position for this epic, skip trade") # If a trade in opposite direction exist, close the position elif item['market']['epic'] == epic and != item['position']['direction']:,, limit, stop) else: logging.error( "Unable to fetch open positions! Avoid trading this epic")
[docs] def process_open_positions(self, positions): """ process the open positions to find closing trades - **positions**: json object containing open positions - Returns **False** if an error occurs otherwise True """ if positions is not None:"Processing open positions.") self.process_epic_list([item['market']['epic'] for item in positions['positions']]) return True else: logging.warning("Unable to fetch open positions!") return False