Source code for Interfaces.AVInterface

import requests
import json
import logging
from enum import Enum
import os
import sys
import inspect
import datetime as dt
import time
import traceback

from alpha_vantage.timeseries import TimeSeries
from alpha_vantage.techindicators import TechIndicators

currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)

class AVInterval(Enum):
    AlphaVantage interval types: '1min', '5min', '15min', '30min', '60min'
    MIN_1 = '1min'
    MIN_5 = '5min'
    MIN_15 = '15min'
    MIN_30 = '30min'
    MIN_60 = '60min'
    DAILY = 'daily'
    WEEKLY = 'weekly'
    MONTHLY = 'monthly'

[docs]class AVInterface(): """ AlphaVantage interface class, provides methods to call AlphaVantage API and return the result in useful format handling possible errors. """ def __init__(self, apiKey, config): self.read_configuration(config) self._last_call_ts = self.TS = TimeSeries( key=apiKey, output_format='pandas', indexing_type='integer', treat_info_as_error=True, retries=0) self.TI = TechIndicators(key=apiKey, output_format='pandas', retries=0)'AlphaVantage initialised.') def read_configuration(self, config): self.enable = config['alpha_vantage']['enable'] self.api_timeout = config['alpha_vantage']['api_timeout']
[docs] def get_prices(self, market_id, interval): """ Return the price time series of the requested market with the interval granularity. Return None if the interval is invalid """ if (interval == AVInterval.MIN_1 or interval == AVInterval.MIN_5 or interval == AVInterval.MIN_15 or interval == AVInterval.MIN_30 or interval == AVInterval.MIN_60): return self.intraday(market_id, interval) elif interval == AVInterval.DAILY: return self.daily(market_id) elif interval == AVInterval.WEEKLY: return self.weekly(market_id) # TODO implement monthly call else: return None
[docs] def daily(self, marketId): """ Calls AlphaVantage API and return the Daily time series for the given market - **marketId**: string representing an AlphaVantage compatible market id - Returns **None** if an error occurs otherwise the pandas dataframe """ self._wait_before_call() market = self._format_market_id(marketId) try: data, meta_data = self.TS.get_daily( symbol=market, outputsize='full') return data except Exception as e: logging.error( "AlphaVantage wrong api call for {}".format(market)) logging.debug(e) logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logging.debug(sys.exc_info()[0]) return None
[docs] def intraday(self, marketId, interval): """ Calls AlphaVantage API and return the Intraday time series for the given market - **marketId**: string representing an AlphaVantage compatible market id - **interval**: string representing an AlphaVantage interval type - Returns **None** if an error occurs otherwise the pandas dataframe """ self._wait_before_call() if (interval is AVIntervals.DAILY): logging.error( "AlphaVantage Intraday does not support DAILY interval") return None market = self._format_market_id(marketId) try: data, meta_data = self.TS.get_intraday( symbol=market, interval=interval.value, outputsize='full') return data except Exception as e: logging.error( "AlphaVantage wrong api call for {}".format(market)) logging.debug(e) logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logging.debug(sys.exc_info()[0]) return None
[docs] def weekly(self, marketId): """ Calls AlphaVantage API and return the Weekly time series for the given market - **marketId**: string representing an AlphaVantage compatible market id - Returns **None** if an error occurs otherwise the pandas dataframe """ self._wait_before_call() market = self._format_market_id(marketId) try: data, meta_data = self.TS.get_weekly(symbol=market) return data except Exception as e: logging.error( "AlphaVantage wrong api call for {}".format(market)) logging.debug(e) logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logging.debug(sys.exc_info()[0]) return None
[docs] def quote_endpoint(self, market_id): """ Calls AlphaVantage API and return the Quote Endpoint data for the given market - **market_id**: string representing the market id to fetch data of - Returns **None** if an error occurs otherwise the pandas dataframe """ self._wait_before_call() market = self._format_market_id(market_id) try: data, meta_data = self.TS.get_quote_endpoint( symbol=market, outputsize='full') return data except: logging.error( "AlphaVantage wrong api call for {}".format(market)) return None
# Technical indicators
[docs] def macdext(self, marketId, interval): """ Calls AlphaVantage API and return the MACDEXT tech indicator series for the given market - **marketId**: string representing an AlphaVantage compatible market id - **interval**: string representing an AlphaVantage interval type - Returns **None** if an error occurs otherwise the pandas dataframe """ self._wait_before_call() market = self._format_market_id(marketId) try: data, meta_data = self.TI.get_macdext(market, interval=interval.value, series_type='close', fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9, fastmatype=2, slowmatype=1, signalmatype=0) if data is None: return None data.index = range(len(data)) return data except Exception as e: logging.error( "AlphaVantage wrong api call for {}".format(market)) logging.debug(e) logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logging.debug(sys.exc_info()[0]) return None
[docs] def macd(self, marketId, interval): """ Calls AlphaVantage API and return the MACDEXT tech indicator series for the given market - **marketId**: string representing an AlphaVantage compatible market id - **interval**: string representing an AlphaVantage interval type - Returns **None** if an error occurs otherwise the pandas dataframe """ self._wait_before_call() market = self._format_market_id(marketId) try: data, meta_data = self.TI.get_macd(market, interval=interval.value, series_type='close', fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9) return data except Exception as e: logging.error( "AlphaVantage wrong api call for {}".format(market)) logging.debug(e) logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logging.debug(sys.exc_info()[0]) return None
# Utils functions def _format_market_id(self, marketId): """ Convert a standard market id to be compatible with AlphaVantage API. Adds the market exchange prefix (i.e. London is LON:) """ return '{}:{}'.format('LON', marketId.split('-')[0]) def _wait_before_call(self): """ Wait between API calls to not overload the server """ while ( - self._last_call_ts) <= dt.timedelta(seconds=self.api_timeout): time.sleep(0.5) self._last_call_ts =