2. Modules

TradingBot is composed by different modules organised by their nature. Each section of this document provide a description of the module meaning along with the documentation of its internal members.

2.1. TradingBot

2.2. Components

The Components module contains the components that provides services used by TradingBot.

2.2.1. MarketProvider Enums

2.2.2. TimeProvider Enums

2.2.3. Backtester

2.2.4. Configuration

2.2.5. Utils Enums Exceptions

2.3. Broker

The Broker class is the wrapper of all the trading services and provides the main interface for the strategies to access market data and perform trades.

2.3.1. AbstractInterfaces

2.3.2. IGInterface Enums

2.3.3. AVInterface Enums

2.3.4. YFinanceInterface

2.3.5. Broker

2.3.6. BrokerFactory

2.4. Interfaces

The Interfaces module contains all the interfaces used to exchange information between different TradingBot components. The purpose of this module is have clear internal API and avoid integration errors.

2.4.1. Market

2.4.2. MarketHistory

2.4.3. MarketMACD

2.4.4. Position

2.5. Strategies

The Strategies module contains the strategies used by TradingBot to analyse the markets. The Strategy class is the parent from where any custom strategy must inherit from. The other modules described here are strategies available in TradingBot.

2.5.1. Strategy

2.5.2. StrategyFactory

2.5.3. SimpleMACD

2.5.4. Weighted Average Peak Detection

2.5.5. Simple Bollinger Bands